
landmarks and historical sites
Eternal Golden Fortress
億載金城 Yì Zài Jīnchéng, 16 Nanwen, Anping District - a 19th century coastal fortress. Hours: 9AM-5PM.

The ruins of Anping Fort 安平古堡 Ānpíng Gǔbǎo, originally called Fort Zeelandia, was built in 1620 by the Dutch. Its commanding views of the ocean make it a popular place to watch the sunset. Hours: 8:30AM-5:30PM.

Chikan Towers
赤崁樓 Chìkàn Lóu, originally called Fort Provintia, was built in 1653 by the Dutch. There are tablets, stone horses/camels and a row of nine turtle-borne steles with inscriptions. Hours: 8:30AM-9PM.
National Museum of Taiwanese Literature
Located in a restored colonial-era Japanese building, even with the limited English on display this museum is fascinating. The coffee shop is good too.
Confucius Temple
A serene destination surrounded by a small park. Explore the temple, then go to the incredibly popular shaved-ice store right on the opposite side.
one of Taiwan's best-known hot springs .